If you are using MDT and have created a Offline USB-drive Media for your Windows install, then this screen can appear because of the delay from Device Manager and the hardware scan to find the USB controller when the computer restarts.


Hold your horses, there is a workaround… !!


The workaround is to put a delay in the Litetouch.wsf script, presented below.
Copy the code below and put it into your Scripts\Litetouch.wsf:
‘// FIX for locating USB Deployment Media
‘Delay search for media 10 seconds.
Wscript.Sleep 10000
‘Device Manager action: Scan for Hardware …
sCmd = “c:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe cfgmgr32.dll ,CM_Reenumerate_DevNode”
‘Delay for 5 seconds to allow hw to ennumerate
Wscript.Sleep 5000